Episode 338 - Ghost Hunting in Hammersmith

Welcome to Hallow Weird World 2024! An all-white apparition was terrorizing the citizens of Hammersmith 220 years ago. Francis Smith had had enough. But since Egon Spengler had not yet invented the proton pack, Francis went ghost hunting with a shotgun. It did not go well for him or the ghost.

Episode 333 - The 67 Exorcisms of Anneliese Michel - Part 1

CONTENT WARNING - TALK OF SUICIDE, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS TRAUMA - Feel free to sit this one and next week’s second part out.

When Anneliese Michel began having seizures when she was 16, she went to a doctor and was diagnosed with epiliepsy. But as her illness morphed into a severe psychological disorder and medical treatment did not work, Anneliese and her family came to believe her sickness may be the work of the devil.

Episode 331 - Crushing Puppies and Murdering Bad Singers

Ever want to squeeze a puppy too hard or bite a baby's toes? You’re not alone, it's called Cuteness Aggression and you need to be careful. Then we veer into folks in the Philippines killing people for singing "My Way" in Karaoke bars. Listen, just stick to "Don't Stop Believing" and everyone goes home safe.

Music Credits:

Cuteness Aggression song by Anthony Vincent


My Way by Paul Anka and Frank Sinatra

Episode 329 - The Disappearance of Dorothy Arnold, Part 1

People go missing all the time, but when rich young women from Manhattan high society disappear while shopping in the middle of the day on Fifth Avenue it creates a stir. In Part 1 we track Dorothy Arnold's steps until they vanished, then the first halting attempts to find her which seemed more concerned with avoiding scandal than finding Dorothy.

Episode 323 - How Flat is the Earth? Part 2

We continue our deep dive into our flat earth even though we don’t know how shallow the crust is. What exactly does a flat earth look like (think a sprial of continents around the North Pole at the center of a disc)? And what do scientists have to say about why the earth might actually be round?