Episode 321 - Mr. Dreamy

He has a receding hairline over a round face and thick dark eyebrows. You don't know him and have never seen him - except in your dreams. He is "This Man," the dream invader who might calm you or guide you - or terrify you. And thousands of others have seen the same man in their dreams too.

Episode 317 - Weird News - April 2024

It's been a while, but we have some good ones. Flying snakes, the shocking number of gay animals (personal trigger warning for Ron DeSantis), getting high on snake venom, AI turned on its masters, brain worms, the music police of Chechnya, the coming insect invasion, and the dangers of minor earthquakes in New Jersey coinciding with total eclipses of the sun.

Episode 315 - Don Decker, Strange Rainmaker

Don Decker was under a lot of stress when he was staying with friends after his grandfather's funeral. He hallucinated, he collapsed, he could barely hold it together. Then it started to rain - inside the house. Then again at a nearby pizza place. Then again in a prison cell. Don Decker was not your usual rainmaker.

Stay tuned to the end to hear about Carey’s recently experienced unexplained phenomena. And, let’s hear from our audience, did every family have a point and shoot camera at the ready in 1983?